canadian bushplanes featured exhibit


Adventure With World-Renowned Scientist Jane Goodall
As She Shares Inspiring Stories Of Environmental Resilience From Around The World.

jane gooall reasons for hope at the bushplane museum

Drawing from decades of research by the world’s most renowned living ethologist and environmentalist, Jane Goodall, “Reasons for Hope” takes viewers on a heartening global journey. Its purpose is to spotlight uplifting stories that can motivate individuals to make a positive impact on their world.

The documentary showcases various narratives, such as the Northern Bald Ibis’s majestic migration over the Alps, the successful reintroduction of American Bison by the Blackfeet Nation, the globally recognized Sudbury Regreening Story, and the inspiring initiatives led by youth within Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program. These stories are interwoven with archival footage chronicling Jane’s early days as a chimpanzee researcher.

Throughout the film, the message centers on Jane’s four pillars of hope, which signify a tremendous sense of optimism for the future: the remarkable capabilities of the human mind, the resilience of nature, the strength and commitment of young people, and the unconquerable human spirit.

Jane Goodall has transformed our perspective on the world we inhabit. Embark on this voyage of inspiration and hope alongside her.

-Show Times-

Monday to Sunday
Check the Front desk for specific times.